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Modern Pilates

The Pilates Method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the 1920 and is based on controlled and economic movements rather than mindless repetition. It activates core muscles (deeper layers of muscles) through full and deep breathing. People with back and joint problems can benefit enormously by applying the Pilates principles:
Controll - Centering - Concentration - Precision - Breathing – Flow - Coordination - Balance - Imagination

The Pilates Method has undergone many changes and today, there are as many different styles and approches, as there are people training. Pilates is divided into two basic methods: the repertory style and modern Pilates. The repertory approach follows mainly the original exercise, which are fast and dynamic from the start and are only suited for people with no injuries or back and joint problems. 

Modern pilates, however, is a gentler more therapeutic approach and all exercises are modified and tailored to the customer’s personal needs, which we believe, at Core- Impulse,  is the best approach for most people and a healthier way to a pain-free body.


Yoga originated in India and has been around for centuries, but today’s refined form, good alignment and its many styles has only been deveoped over the last couple of hundred years.

In particular, B.K.S Iyengar established his own version of Hata Yoga in the 1970s and made it popular around the world.

Yoga works on many different levels: pysical, mental, and it can also be taken into a spiritual dimension. Yoga increases flexibility, stamina, strength, relaxation, balance and breathing. 

Fascia Training

The magical fascia, a network of connective tissue in the body that surrounds and protects organs, muscles, bones, nerve cells and blood vessels and even the brain, has only recently been re-discovered in the treatment of chronic back and joint problems. 

As the connective tissue is high in pain receptors, and proprioceptors (sensory receptors, which send signals to the central nervous system about movement and positions of body parts) it became clear that it was often the connective tissue that was injured or its fibres tangled up or glued together and not the muscle. This lead to a whole new system of training, where movements, once frowned upon, such as bouncing, swaying and other more playful variations, were re-introduced into the fitness program to work specifically on the connective tissue. It was discovered that the different proprioceptors in the fascia prefer a wide variation of movements -  sometimes even unpredictable ones - to be activated at all. With this knowledge, different styles of stretching had a big comeback and today’s training is choreographed to be as versatile as ever to ensure healthy tissues and a supple body.

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage is a deep tissue massage applying classical massage movements with acupressure and stretches. Good quality oils, including essential oils or lotions are used, plus hot compresses. 

Remedial Massage is an ideal treatment for sore muscles, back and neck aches and to repair and improve connective tissue (fascia).

It also relieves symptoms of stress and puts you in a deep state of relaxation.  Pure Bliss!

Health Consultation

I also advise you holistically, about any health issues and  pay you a visit in your business to optimize your workplace, so you don't have to suffer from any  back and joint problems.

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